Chemical Peel Treatment

60 MIN | $225

**Please note, the chemical peel treatment is not available as an initial treatment. It is recommended that clients receive an alternative facial so the skin may be properly assessed and conditioned before receiving a chemical peel. Home care may be required 3-4 weeks prior to the peel to treat existing skin conditions for enhanced results.

Chemical peels are an enhanced form of exfoliation utilizing a combination of ingredients to remove dull and damaged skin cells from the surface of the skin. Enlarged, congested pores are cleared and minimized and areas of pigmentation are lightened to reveal smoother, brighter skin. Collagen production is stimulated and cellular turnover for a more youthful complexion.

There are several types of superficial chemical peels available that leverage different concentrations and combinations of ingredients such as AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acid), glycolic, mandelic, lactic, and salicylic acid.

The type of chemical peel to be performed will be chosen by your licensed practitioner based on current skin concerns and conditions. Each chemical peel treatment includes a Post-Procedure aftercare kit for home care use.

Nano Infusion Treatment- Face & Neck

60 MIN | $200

Nano infusion, also known as derma channeling, is a non-invasive treatment that resurfaces the skin and increases the absorption of topical skincare. The treatment creates nano-channels in the skin, allowing for a targeted approach to address skin concerns such as pigmentation, fine lines, wrinkles, uneven texture, and scarring. The procedure involves using a nano-cartridge to penetrate the skin's epidermis, enhancing the absorption rate of topical skincare ingredients by up to 97%.

The treatment begins with thorough cleansing and prepping of the skin. Nano infusion is then performed on the face and neck, creating the nano-channels that facilitate the absorption of customized nutrient-rich serums. Following the treatment, oxygen infusion and a moisturizing hyaluronic acid mask are applied to the skin, followed by healing skincare topicals and sun protection.

Nano infusion is a safe, effective, and minimally invasive treatment that can help individuals achieve their desired skin goals. It is a highly regarded cosmetic procedure suitable for enhancing the appearance of the skin.

Microcurrent Follow-up Session

50 MIN | $150

This service is exclusively available to clients who have already received an initial microcurrent treatment at Skin Obsession Studio. If you have undergone microcurrent treatment in the past month, you can take advantage of our express service that includes double-cleansing, microcurrent, facial masking, and finishing products. Please note that exfoliation, extractions, or facial massage are not part of this express service.

We recommend a series of 4-6 sessions every 7-30 days to achieve optimal results. After completing the series, you can maintain your results with 1-2 maintenance sessions per year.

Product Consult

In-Person or Virtual

30 MIN | $50

Bring in your skincare products and send an emailed list prior to your appointment so we can determine what is best suited to address your skin conditions and concerns. Additional products may be recommended to replace current products or add to your skincare routine. Learn what ingredients benefit the skin and what should be avoided. A carefully curated regimen with instructions will be included for use at home.